At HG Construction our top priority is to complete all projects to the highest building standards, on schedule and within budget.

See Our Work

Health & Safety

Health and safety is a cornerstone of our business and we have a policy of continual improvement and setting of safety objectives in line with our Safe- T Cert grade A Certification.

HG Construction has an excellent safety record and can hold parity on a statistical front with the best in the country. HG Construction has developed a comprehensive safety assessment and audit system. This is led by our own full time safety consultant.

To consolidate the efforts being made by HG Construction we retain the services of an independent external auditing consultant to carry out both site and office audits. The results of these audits are considered by the company directors and management team where amendments to existing policies or procedures are implemented allowing for our continual improvement.

It is our responsibility to ensure that everyone who works for us returns home safely at the end of the working day. Fostering a culture of safe working and promoting behavioural change are key safety objectives for us.

Safety Policy

HG Construction is committed to maintaining and the continual improvement and development of a Safe and Healthy working environment for all employees and other persons who may be affected by its business activities.

HG Construction acknowledges its duties under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, it is the company's intention that it's work will be carried out in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013.

HG Construction specifically acknowledges its duties under Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 to prepare a written safety statement and has drafted this document to fulfil that duty. HG Construction is committed to the on-going identification and adherence to new Legislation and best practice in its safety policy.

The aims of this Safety Statement are to:
1. Involve management up to the highest level in a clear programme of action.
2. Stimulate action to ensure compliance with the statutory safety and health provisions.
3. Identify hazards and to prioritise remedial action which is based on the risk of injury to persons exposed.
4. Ensure safety measures are kept in place and monitored on a regular basis.
5. Identify and assign clear responsibilities in relation to safety and health matters.
6. Ensure systematic follow up of problems, once identified.
7. Ensure that resources are assigned to safety and health.
8. Gain the commitment of all persons in the workplace.

HG Construction acknowledges its duties under Section 19 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and commits itself to following the General Principles of Prevention as laid down in the Schedule 3 of the Act.

HG Construction is also aware that employees of the Organisation are an integral part of ensuring a safe and healthy workplace and will accordingly consult with its employees on all significant matters relating to safety and health in the workplace as required by Section 25 and 26 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.

Environmetal Policy

HG Construction accepts its responsibility to behave in an environmentally friendly manner and will try to preserve the earth’s resources for future generations. The Organisation will where practicable use renewable resources, recycled products and reduce unnecessary energy consumption.

HG Construction commits itself to an ethical environmental policy. HG Construction will therefore follow the principles of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

In accomplishing this we will:
1. Comply with all international, national and local legislation, codes of practice and international treaties.
2. Ensure that our work activities do not create unacceptable risks to other people or the environment in general.
3. Assess the amount of waste generated by our operations including any discharges to the atmosphere and discharges into the water system.
4. Ensure that all of our waste, especially hazardous waste, is disposed of in a safe manner by using reputable licensed waste disposal companies.
5. The company will reclaim, recycle and reuse as much waste it generates as practicable.

Our goal of less hazardous environment can be achieved by a conscientious effort and commitment to excellence from all Staff.

Quality Policy

Quality is central to all services provided by HG Construction. We believe in providing quality from commencement to completion of a project., We continually review and improve our systems in order to provide the best possible products and services to our clients. We manage our construction sites in an orderly fashion as we believe good housekeeping is central to good project management.